Buntingford is under significant pressure from the expected development of new housing. In this context, Buntingford Town Council has sensibly embarked on the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan to guide and influence its future. As part of this process, the Town Council commissioned Phil Jones Associates to develop Stage 1 proposals to address local concerns about the relationship between traffic movement and civic life.

The study examined and illustrated a range of small-scale measures, capable of implementation over time as resources permit, that would together influence the routeing of heavy traffic, change driver expectations, slow speeds and improve safety, minimise noise and physical damage, and maintain the distinctive qualities and coherence that underpins the attractive character of the town.

The study serves as a supplement to the Neighbourhood Plan. With local enthusiasm shown to the designed presented to town councillors, PJA were commissioned to develop designs further as part of a Stage 2 study of improvements along the High Street.

PJA produced outline designs that reallocated street space to create wider footways and more parking, improved traffic calming, and generally contributed to an enhanced townscape character.

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Our wonderful team are our greatest asset. Not only experts in transport, engineering and placemaking but also committed to delivering better places for people through…

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