PJA was appointed by Bloor Homes to reassess the transport planning aspects of this proposed development site after the previous consultants failed to reach agreement with the local highway authority

This land to the north of the railway viaduct in Ledbury was allocated in the Local Plan for the development of 625 homes plus three hectares of employment land. However, consultants previously appointed by Bloor Homes were unable to reach agreement with the local highway authority on matters relating to access and off-site traffic impact, therefore PJA was appointed to carry out a full review of the scheme and re-engage with the highway authority, with a view to seeking agreement in order that the application could be presented to the planning committee.

The transport planning and highway engineering teams at PJA both worked very closely with the local highway authority to identify the areas of concern and develop suitable mitigation proposals. Detailed proposals were prepared in relation to vehicle access, pedestrian and cycle routes, and off-site capacity and safety measures. All matters were agreed with the highway authority and consequently the application was presented to the planning committee with a glowing recommendation to approve the application.

Unfortunately the application was refused by local Members at the committee, despite the Officer recommendation for approval.
An appeal against the decision was therefore lodged by Bloor Homes and an Inquiry was subsequently held over the course of two weeks, with highways matters dominating the first week of the Inquiry.

PJA Joint Managing Director Nigel Millington gave evidence over the course of the first week of the Inquiry, with technical supported provided by both the transport planning and highway engineering teams at PJA.

Detailed technical evidence was debated on access for sustainable modes, the traffic impact of the proposals and the suitability of proposed mitigation measures.  Due to the level of local interest the appeal was recovered by the Secretary of State, who subsequently determined that the appeal should be allowed. Both the Inspector and the Secretary of State supported PJA’s assessment of every aspect of the case.  An award of costs was also made against the Local Planning Authority and the Town Council due to their ‘unreasonable behaviour’.

Image: Barton Willmore

For more information, contact Nigel Millington

Nigel Millington

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